About Us

     Hello I'm JD the founder of Redbud Aquaponics. Back in 2018 when the bill passed for legal Medicinal Cannabis I hopped in getting my commercial growers license right off the bat. I have had 5+ years of larger scale aquaculture and aquaponics along with green energy sources so we decided to blend that together to try and make sustainable quality products. 

     If failure is the best teacher, then I am one of the most learned students in the industry here in Oklahoma. My farm started with total Wind and Solar power for all my electrical needs. Clear roofing on buildings to let in as much light as possible with minimal grow lights to supplement during winter months. We had over 40 solar panels and two 500 Watt wind turbines providing power to 1200 pounds of AGM UPS batteries. Even that was not enough.

     On the brighter side I learned a lot with large scale aquaponic growing. Experimenting with flood and drain, Deep water culture, Kratky and other methods. The whole venture is centered around many small harvest through the year and keeping consistent product rolling. In doing this we found that where the fish and nutrient water was doing well, during the winter and early spring, we did not have enough light for consistent fast growth and our supplemental light/power was not enough to keep up.

     Since then we have scaled back and are working with more controlled indoor rooms and hoop houses to keep things rolling. As time went to keep costs down we have been perfecting our skills at breeding our own plants and feminizing with colloidal silver. Now seed making is getting easier and easier so we are branching out to providing quality feminized seeds and may carry some regular seeds in the future.